She has a bad past with most of her family (except her father) not caring about her and neglecting her, so we can sympathize with her on that, which does explain her current behavior.Despite her flaws, she does have a few funny moments.On the topic of Shapey and Block, she never punishes them for their bad behavior.She's so obsessed with having an affair, that she leaves Shapey and Block at home constantly, just to make love to another man, showing she really doesn’t care about watching over her kids.She either gives bad advice to Orel or lets Clay deal with his problems, showing she's not really good at giving advice, much like her husband.Even when her children, especially Orel, give her love, she isn't happy and doesn't consider it real love, which makes her very cruel.

She used to be an alcoholic, much like Clay is now.She's pretty much the reason Clay became an alcoholic, since she was the one who introduced him to liquor.Unlike Clay, who actually has good qualities and is a well-written bad parent, she is very poorly written.Let's get the most obvious thing out of the way, she's a neglectful mother towards her children.